By Howard Slater:
"When can one feel this activation of the space taking effect? When there is a dense atmosphere which makes you aware that something important is at stake. As there are no predetermined categories or words to describe this experience, what is at stake is very difficult to articulate. Because of the difficulties to assimilate it or to immediately understand it, this AFFECTIVE strangeness counters the normalization process. When this dense atmosphere is produced, the people involved become painfully aware of their social position and usual behavior. If the density of the atmosphere is sufficient it can become physical, disturbing our senses and producing strange feelings in our bodies. Through SUCH A MULTI SENSORIAL disruption in the appearance of neutrality, one gets the sense of being in a strange place - not really knowing where to stand. WE BECOME VULNERABLE. Every movement or word becomes significant. What is created is not a unified sense of space or time, but a hererotopia where one location contains different spaces and temporalities. Previous hierarchies and established organizations of space are exposed. The traditional time of the performance and distribution of attention (the audience's respectful behavior towards the performers etc.) is left behind. If one goes far enough, ACTIVELY DISTRIBUTING ONE'S VULNERABILITY, these hierarchies could be diffused, not to give a false sense of equality, but to produce alternative social relations of time and space. THE CREATION OF AN AFFECTIVE CLASS?"Listen to the performance here. On 04/30/05 Mattin appeared in a trio with Tim Barnes/Tony Conrad. On 09/30/05 Taku Anami played on a bill that also included Toshimura Nakamura, Sean Meehan and Barry Weisblatt.
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